Stephanie Gold is a freelance writer living in Boonville, CA, a wine-making and sheep-raising town around 100 miles north of San Francisco.
As an accomplished journalist and essay writer, with 15
plus years’ writing experience, three books, and scores of
articles to her credit, Stephanie delights in exploring unique
areas of health and wellness and probing the endlessly
fascinating territories of human emotions and interactions.
Stephanie’s writing style incorporates investigative
journalism, dramatic narrative, and dry wit, and her
areas of expertise include mental health, education,
food, technology, travel, and medical care.
With her MA in Counseling for scholarly ballast,
Stephanie relishes describing the conflicts inherent in
the human condition and the dynamics that emerge in
families, work, relationships and daily life.

September, 2010: "A Taste for Education" in California Magazine
 December, 2009:
"Caspar's Tale" In California Magazine
 October, 2009:
"Role Reversal" In Modern Bride Magazine
 September, 2008:
"Dad's New Libido" In More Magazine
 April, 2006:
"This Is Good-bye" In More Magazine
 April, 2006:
"Cross Curricular Math" In Access Learning Magazine

Jan. 2006: "Right to Copy. Fair Use Training in the Digital Age" in Technology & Learning Magazine

Dec. 23rd 2005: New site launched.
